Optimizing Your Health & Regaining Your Energy
Do you wake up tired? Do you wish you had more energy to play with your kids or spend time with friends or family? How often do you say you are fine because you feel like you should be?
Your Journey to Achieving True Health & Wellness
Do you want to truly be well and healthy? Are you committed to your wellness goals, but somehow are still struggling to achieve them? A commitment to your health is the first and most important step in the path to wellness. Unfortunately, the journey to wellness can have many challenges such as finding time to exercise, having money to buy high-quality, nutritious foods, and knowing what is healthy and what is not.
Elimination Diet - Healthy Snack Alternatives
Often when we work with patients, we hear a whole host of objections to this diet. For instance, you might think you cannot give up eating or drinking that item that you enjoy so much. However, keep in mind that you are not giving it up completely - you are just giving it up for 21 days. Perhaps, by the end of those 21 days, you will form some new habits that might stick, but it’s ok if they do not. Our main goal is to get through the 21 days.
The 5-Minute Exercise That Can Be Done Anywhere
The modern American lifestyle presents many obstacles to movement. We sit in our cars or on the bus on the way to work. Then, once we get to work, we are likely sitting in front of a computer for eight-plus hours. Perhaps we have lunch delivered and sit at our desk while we eat. By the time we get home from work, we are so exhausted from staring at a screen all day that we opt for the couch and Netflix instead of exercising.
Elimination Diet: How To Make Cauliflower Steak
When we begin working with a patient, the elimination diet is one of the first things we discuss. While this sounds daunting and difficult, it is doable with some planning ahead. Here is an easy recipe for cauliflower steak that is delicious and full of healthy nutrients.
3 Factors That Contribute To Hormone-Related Illness
Often when you think about hormones, you think of ovaries. Well, your hormone or endocrine system also includes your thyroid, adrenal, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands. This system can be impacted by factors you might not suspect. For example, stress can greatly affect your hormones. Whether you are dealing with an acutely stressful event or chronic stress, it is important to manage this effectively.