The 5-Minute Exercise That Can Be Done Anywhere
A strong foundation to optimal health and wellness begins with four key components:
Self-Care & Relaxation
In this blog, we would like to talk to you about movement and introduce you to a quick 5-minute workout you can do anywhere – even in your bathroom. The modern American lifestyle presents many obstacles to movement. We sit in our cars or on the bus on the way to work. Then, once we get to work, we are likely sitting in front of a computer for eight-plus hours. Perhaps we have lunch delivered and sit at our desk while we eat. By the time we get home from work, we are so exhausted from staring at a screen all day that we opt for the couch and Netflix instead of exercising.
It is easy to understand why for many of us, the idea of setting up a regular exercise regimen is very daunting. With the simple exercising routine we will show you in the below video, you can incorporate movement into your daily life. Additionally, we will share with you a few other ways you can get your body moving, for instance, taking the stairs down to the parking lot instead of using the elevator.
At Mana Wellness Medicine, we are committed to helping you establish a strong foundation so that you can optimize your health. To learn more about the programs we offer, please schedule a complimentary Discovery Call with us -
We would love to be your guide along your wellness journey!
Watch our full video on this topic here:
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