Mana Wellness Medicine Mana Wellness Medicine

Building Better Habits: Intentional Breathing

Today, let’s talk about a new healthy habit that is totally free and only takes a few minutes a day to do…breathing. You might be thinking, well, I already do this every day, so I’m good. This is true, but how often do you practice intentional breathing?

This busy, modern world has made it hard for us to breathe properly and in a healthy way. The amount of emotional stress and anxiety that we tend to take on causes us to breathe shallower or erratically. If we have poor unsupportive posture, it can cause tension in our body which makes us take smaller breaths. Also, using a screen makes us hold our breath. It's an odd phenomenon that's termed email apnea.

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Mana Wellness Medicine Mana Wellness Medicine

Building Better Habits: Adding Variety To Your Diet

How healthy are your habits? Do you wish you could add more healthy habits to your life, but have no idea where to begin?

We can help you! We’ve created a “Building Better Habits” 5-day challenge where we will look at ways to add healthier habits to improve your health.

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