Finally, learn what is causing your hormonal health issues no matter what stage of life you are in.
As Functional Medicine OBGYN Specialists, we help motivated women over 30, achieve and maintain a healthy weight, gain energy and improve their mood and sense of well being, so that they can have a healthier relationship with themselves and live their best life.
Let Us Help You
Achieve a Healthy Weight
We help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight without starving or needless struggle
Gain & Sustain Energy
We help you gain energy naturally, so that you can live your best life.
Improve Your Mood
We want to help you have a healthier relationship with yourself at the same time that you learn how to be the best caretaker of your body
At Mana Wellness Medicine, we understand that you are unique and your health needs are complex
“Hi, We are Dr Paasch and Dr Barrett”
Functional Medicine and Women’s Health Experts
Through our training in Functional Medicine, we have learned to look at the root causes of health issues. Many women are left wondering why they are not getting better and it is our belief that the WHOLE body needs to be carefully looked at. The interplay of genetics, diet, gut health and lifestyle all play their part in full recovery.
By taking a detailed history & using targeted functional lab tests, we can identify root causes and offer our patients a personalized program to help them achieve Optimal Health

"As a woman who has gone through menopause at an early age, experienced enormous stressors, and watched my body change into someone I didn't recognize, I can say this program has given me back the health and well-being that makes me who I am."
—Dana F
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who are on a mission to discover what is causing their health issues no matter what stage of life they are in.

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Get started for free with my easy-to-follow process for shifting your body back into balance & feeling better fast guide
Are you looking for a different approach?
Have you tried conventional medicine to address your health concerns only to be left feeling frustrated or told that “everything is normal” ?
Dr Barrett & Dr Paasch, women’s health experts with over 30 years of combined experience, have now birthed a new practice, Mana Wellness Medicine, to bring the principles of functional medicine to their patients.
What is Functional Medicine? The functional medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness.
Read our Blog
3 Factors That Contribute To Hormone-Related Illness
By Maria Paasch
Often when you think about hormones, you think of ovaries. Well, your hormone or endocrine system also includes your thyroid, adrenal, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands. This system can be impacted by factors you might not suspect. For example, stress can greatly affect your hormones. Whether you are dealing with an acutely stressful event or chronic stress, it is important to manage this effectively.
What Does Mana Mean?
By Mana Wellness
Like mana, health, wellness, and vitality are our birthright. The pressures of 21st-century life have diminished our connection to the innate wisdom, strength, and power of our bodies to function and heal, and have led to an epidemic of complex chronic diseases that traditional medicine is unable to fully address and resolve.
Making Your Health A Priority
By Maria Paasch
In our practice, we take a holistic approach to women's health that utilizes the principles of functional medicine. What is functional medicine, you might ask? Great question! In traditional medicine, we usually start with a symptom or disease, and our treatment is typically aimed at that symptom or disease state.
“It is the best gift ever," and "My body is way smarter than I ever gave it credit for (a lesson learned through Mana Wellness)"”
—Amy V
Functional Medicine and Women’s Health Experts
Through our training in Functional Medicine, we have learned to look at the root causes of health issues. Many women are left wondering why they are not getting better and it is our belief that the WHOLE body needs to be carefully looked at. The interplay of genetics, diet, gut health and lifestyle all play their part in full recovery.
By taking a detailed history & using targeted functional lab tests, we can identify root causes and offer our patients a personalized program to help them achieve Optimal Health